Why Choose Me As Your Trusted Jade-Supplier for Jade Jewelry & rough?
Supporting an Independent Canadian Jade Carver
I am currently the only person running this Business, so please keep in mind that I am the Customer-support, The Carver, The Marketer, the Sales-rep and everything in-between.
Every sale directly funds my ability to keep carving, Keep buying Jade for resale for my fellow Lapidary-Artists & Gem-collectors and most importantly, the ability to follow my passion/dream of being one of the best Jade-Carvers in Canada and a Certified Gemologist! -
100% Real Jade/Money-Back Guarantee
100% Real Jade/Money-Back GuaranteeAt Translucency Jade Jewelry, I am committed to providing you with the highest quality jade products and an exceptional shopping experience. That's why I offer a 100% Jade Guarantee with a Money Back Assurance, ensuring all of my customers are happy with every purchase.
Fast Shipping, Affordable, Reliable.
Explore our Jade CollectionsI make sure to always pick the fastest shipping option available and will always upgrade my customers shipping when available and as time goes on our prices will only get cheaper/more Affordable. Lastly, I will put my reputation on the line to ensure every single one of my customers are happy with their order!
100% 翡翠保证,退款保证
在 Translucency Jade Jewelry,我们致力于为您提供最优质的玉石产品和卓越的购物体验。这就是为什么我们提供 100% 玉石保证和退款保证,确保您对每次购买都完全满意。
1. **认证采购**:我们从信誉良好、遵守道德和可持续做法的供应商处精心挑选玉石。每件玉石样品都经过认证,均为真品,采购来源可靠。
2. **精湛工艺**:我们技艺精湛的工匠精心制作每一件玉器,展现玉器的自然美和独特品质。我们以精湛工艺为傲,并保证产品质量。
3. **质量保证**:每件玉器都经过彻底的质量控制检查,以确保其符合我们严格的标准。我们检查每件玉器的颜色准确性、纹理、耐用性和工艺,以保证其真实性。
如果您出于任何原因对所购玉器不完全满意,只需在收到货后 7 天内联系我们的客户服务团队即可获得全额退款。我们希望您放心购物,因为您满意是我们的首要任务。
感谢您选择Translucency Jade Jewelry 。凭借我们 100% 的玉石保证和退款保证,您可以放心,您收到的是最高品质的真玉。
巴基斯坦玉石: https://www.gia.edu/gems-gemology/spring-2020-gemnews-nephrite-jade-from-multiple-sources
华盛顿玉最新资讯: www.gia.edu/gems-gemology/spring-2022-gemnews-washington-jade-update
GIA 官方玉石报告: www.gia.edu/gia-news-press/gia-unveils-the-jade-report
玉的历史和传说: https://www.gia.edu/jade-history-lore
玉描述/基础知识: https://www.gia.edu/jade-description
玉石深入概述: https://www.gia.edu/jade
翡翠品质要素: https://www.gia.edu/jade-quality-factor

Who is Translucency Jade Jewelry?
My Name is Justin and I'm a Novice Jade Carver from Nova Scotia, Canada. My goal is to carve Beautiful Nephrite Jade & Jadeite Jewelry/Sculptures to share with the world and to have the Canada's largest Nephrite-Jade/Jadeite rough collection for my fellow Lapidary-Artists & Gem-collectors to choose from!

We only Sell, Type: A (Natural-Untreated) Nephrite Jade & Jadeite
Click here to see all our Jade Products!

Certificate of Authenticity
A (COA) Certificate of Authenticity, serves as a guarantee that the jade jewelry is genuine and not a counterfeit or imitation. It provides peace of mind to buyers, assuring them that they are investing in a quality product.

Jade Carvings & Sculptures
Here you will find a vast collection of High-quality Nephrite Jade & Jadeite Sculptures/Carvings that I personally made and other Canadian Jade Carver Sculptures. We also Feature Jade from around the world and hope to grow into one of the biggest collections in Canada!