"Translucency Jade Jewelry presents our Uncut/Rough Nephrite Jade Collection from around the world! Discover the allure of Jade in its natural Rough/uncut form. From lapidary artists to gemstone Collectors, this Page is meant for you. High-Quality Nephrite Jade"
Description: This piece of Nephrite Jade Features colors of Dark-Blue and Light-Green which is extremely rare to find on the same stone. To make this piece even more amazing, It features Bright Green Chromium spots throughout the entire piece, including throughout the blues, giving it a stunning pattern like I have truly never seen.
__________________ —Jade Information—
Jade-Type: Nephrite Jade Origin: Indonesia Mine-Site:unknown
Grade of Jade: A Type:A (Natural-Untreated) Color: Dark-Blue & Light Green Fractures: minimal/Moderate Inclusions: minimal Texture: Beautiful rare pattern Translucency: Moderate/High