Who is Translucency Jade Jewelry?

My Name is Justin and I'm a Novice Jade Carver from Nova Scotia, Canada. My goal is to carve Beautiful Nephrite Jade & Jadeite Jewelry/Sculptures to share with the world and to have the Canada's largest Nephrite-Jade/Jadeite rough collection for my fellow Lapidary-Artists & Gem-collectors to choose from!

I have been Partnering with
Jade Carvers Worldwide and from every Culture that Jade has influenced AND Jade-Suppliers and miners from around the Globe to bring you every type of Nephrite Jade & Jadeite from every country Jade Originates from.

We Currently are Partnered with:
JadeJourneyNZ - Pounamu Jade Jewelry
BI-Jade - Indonesian Nephrite Jade Miner/Supplier
Johnson Jewelry - Vietnamese Jade Jewelry & Carvings

We Have Jade From the Following Countries:
- Canadian Nephrite Jade
- Indonesian Nephrite Jade
- California/Big Sur Nephrite Jade
- Burmese/Burma Jadeite
- Guatemala Jadeite
- Siberian/Russia Nephrite & Jadeite
- Turkish Purple Jadeite 60%

  • Supporting an Independent Canadian Jade Carver

    I am currently the only person running this Business, so please keep in mind that I am the Customer-support, The Carver, The Marketer, the Sales-rep and everything in-between.
    Every sale directly funds my ability to keep carving, Keep buying Jade for resale for my fellow Lapidary-Artists & Gem-collectors and most importantly, the ability to follow my passion/dream of being one of the best Jade-Carvers in Canada and a Certified Gemologist!

  • 100% Real Jade/Money-Back Guarantee

    At Translucency Jade Jewelry, I am committed to providing you with the highest quality jade products and an exceptional shopping experience. That's why I offer a 100% Jade Guarantee with a Money Back Assurance, ensuring all of my customers are happy with every purchase.

    100% Real Jade/Money-Back Guarantee 
  • Fast Shipping, Affordable, Reliable.

    I make sure to always pick the fastest shipping option available and will always upgrade my customers shipping when available and as time goes on our prices will only get cheaper/more Affordable. Lastly, I will put my reputation on the line to ensure every single one of my customers are happy with their order!

    Explore our Jade Collections 

Justin The Jade Carver

Who Is Translucency Jade Jewelry/Justin the Jade Carver?

My Name is Justin and I'm a Novice Jade Carver from Nova Scotia, Canada. My goal is to carve Beautiful Nephrite & Jadeite Jewelry and sculptures to share with the world and continue improving my craft and advancing my education to become a Gemmologist/Fine Jewelry Expert to better improve my work. I am Also Partnering with fellow Jade-Carvers from around the world to have every type of Cultures Jade Jewelry/Sculptures. My secondary Goal is to have the LARGEST Online Collection of every type of Nephrite Jade & Jadeite from around the Globe.

Currently We have Jades from the following Countries:
- Canada
- USA 
- Russia
- Guatemala
- Burma (Myanmar)
- Turkey 

I am currently the only person running this Business, so please keep in mind that I am Customer-support, The Carver, The Marketer, Sales-rep, Etc and I know my carvings aren't anything special compared to other amazingly talented Jade-Carvers out there but I hope my Jewelry/Carvings can bring someone joy and I hope you'll follow me on this Journey!
Thank you for your support!

I Hope you'll share in my Journey of Jade Carving and if you have a Love for Jade and are looking to further Educate yourself on this amazing Gemstone and learn more on the incredible world of Jade/Jadeite, you're at the right place! We will be exploring different Carving Techniques, Sharing my Up's & downs of Carving and overall just sharing everything I know about Jade and further educating the Public!

Where Does the Jade come from & is it real?
All of the Jade I purchase & make into Jewelry comes from Direct mining Companies/Miners from around all the world and all Jade is Type: A (Natural-Untreated). I buy Direct from different Wholesalers from around the world which has broken down huge boulders into large 1lb to 10kg pieces and then I further break it down with a rock-saw to make into Jewelry. I ONLY purchase/use Jewelry Grade, A-B+ Jade and refuse to use lower qualities just to make a higher profit. I will also always show a picture/video of the rough-Jade that made the piece of Jewelry being sold. All Jadeite is also purchased from the same Supplier and the same methods are used for making into Jewelry.

Every piece of Jewelry sold directly funds me continuing to improve my Craft, buying better equipment, Continuing to pursue my “Fine Jewelry Expert/Gemology Certification” and of course, buying more Jade to continue making Jade-Jewelry for everyone to Enjoy!

Thank you for taking the time to read about who I am/what my business is all about. Thank you for your support if you've made it this far!
- Justin The Jade Carver


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