Translucency Jade Jewelry & Justin The Jade Carver

One of a Kind, Hand-Crafted, Nephrite Jade & Jadeite Jewelry and Rough.
My Name is Justin and I'm a Novice Jade Carver from Nova Scotia, Canada. My goal is to carve Beautiful Nephrite Jade & Jadeite Jewelry/Sculptures to share with the world and continue improving my craft and advancing my education to become a Gemmologist/Fine Jewelry Expert to keep pushing the limits of my craftsmanship.

My secondary Goal is to have one of the LARGEST collections of rough/raw Nephrite Jade & Jadeite in all of Canada so my fellow Lapidary artists & Gem-Collectors never have to worry about finding High Quality Jade.

I have been Partnering with Jade Carvers Worldwide and from every Culture that Jade has influenced AND Jade-Suppliers and miners from around the Globe to bring you every type of Nephrite Jade & Jadeite from every country Jade Originates from.

We Have Jade From the Following Countries:
- Canadian Nephrite Jade
- Indonesian Nephrite Jade
- Burmese/Burma Jadeite
- Guatemala Jadeite
- Siberian/Russia Nephrite & Jadeite
- Turkish Purple Jadeite 60%

Want to see who carves your Jade Jewelry? Visit:

  • Looking for Specimens of Nephrite Jade and Jadeite?

    Whether you're a collector, enthusiast, or simply drawn to the mesmerizing beauty of jade, explore our diverse selection of Nephrite Jade Specimens & Jadeite Specimens!

    Click "Here" to see our Specimen Collection